Caoimhe Stafford
Ireland and Judicial (In)dependence in Light of the Twenty-Ninth Amendment to the Constitution
Clare Elizabeth Kelly
Legal Indeterminacy: Causes and Significance
Conor Casey
The Role of Dignity in Human Rights Theory: Constituent or Teleological?
Tom Lowenthal
The Exclusion Clause and the Intersection of International Criminal Law and the Refugee Convention
Sarah Creedon
The Post-Modern Approach to Sexual Offending: A Critique of Notification and Registration Schemes
Kyrsten Baker
The Impact of Positive Action on Private Law Freedoms – Proposed EU Directive on Gender Balance in the Boardroom
Niall O’Connor
European Insolvency Law: Development, Harmonisation and Reform; A Case Study on the European Internal Market
Emilie Ghio
Decoupling Voting Rights from Economic Interest: The Case of Empty and Negative Voting
David Marais
Case Note: PP v Health Service Executive
Clara Hurley
Case Note: Gaeilge Bhriste: Irish Language Rights in O Maicin v Ireland
Hazel Bergin
Affaire Vincent Lambert: Le Juge, le Medecin et la Loi
Alexandra Gouin
Strafmundigkeitsalter in Irland: Ist die Zeit nun Reif fur Eine Reform, Das
Shauna Keniry