Volume XV


Ben Mitchell

Hypothesising a Hypothetical on a Probable Basis: Can this be Factual Cause in Medical Negligence?

Sarah Fulham-McQuillan

Fulfilling the Right to Privacy: Positive Obligations to Assist Those in Inadequate Housing

Nicholas McMurry

Would Dodd-Frank work in Ireland? An Examination of US and Irish Legislation relating to Mortgage Practices and the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis

Christopher O’Connel

Natural Law: A Bible for Judicial Reasoning?

Cian O’Connor, Laurence Kelly and Eoghan McSwiney

A Freestanding Right or a Means to an End? The Right to Strike in the ILO and EU Legal Frameworks

Mimi Zou

Dereci: An Analysis of the ‘Genuine Enjoyment’ Test and European Union Citizenship under Articles 20 and 21 TFEU

James Mc Connon

Extra-Territorial Claims for the Irish Constitution? The Supreme Court’s Approach in the Case of Nottinghamshire County Council v B

Riccardo Savona

Case Note: Dellway Investments and Ors v National Asset Management Agency and Ors

Ruth Keating

La Theorie de l’Expectative Legitime en droit Anglais et Canadien: Evolution Inegale Cherche Justification

Martin Thiboutot

Konnen Sie mir einen Vertragsort empfehlen? –  Schutz vor missbrauchlichen Klauseln in Verbrauchervertragen: Die Auswirkungen der Richtlinie 93/13/EWG auf die Rechtsordnungen Deutschlands, Englands und Irlands im Vergleich

Eanna O’Donnell