Volume XI

Dedicated to the Memory of Natalie Forde

Auditor, Dublin University Law Society, 69th Session


Dr Gerard Hogan SC

Dworkin and Judicial Discretion: A Critical Analysis of the Pre-Existence Thesis

Donna Lyons

Codification of Directors’ Duties: An Act to Follow

Fraser Dobbie

European Union Amicus Curiae Briefs: The Road to Abolition of the Death Penalty

Nikki O’Sullivan

Interpretation of Contracts in Commercial Law: Competing Principles

Bobby Hussain

The Shari’ah Prohibition of Interest

Edana Richardson

Judicial Discretion versus Restraint in the Realm of Human Rights: A Contextual Approach to the UK Human Rights Act 1998

Terence McCleave

Tour Pour un et Pour Tous: La Responsibilite de Proteger Dans L’Ordre Mondial

Ciara Murphy and Keina Yoshida

Schadensersatzanspruchie Privater Bei Verstoben Gegen Das Eg-Wettbewersbrecht-Optimierung Nach Dem Us -, Antitrust Damages’ Modell

Anna Hickey