Mrs Justice Susan Denham
The Family Home: Constructive and Resulting Trusts in Irish and English Law
Erik Gannon
The Supreme Court and the School Chaplains Case
Ronan McCrea
Supergrass Testimony and Reasonable Doubt: An Examination of DPP v Ward
Caitriona Ingoldsby
A Change to the Scheduled Viewing: Does Ireland Need to Change Its Approach to Courtroom Television or Does the Camera Really Add Ten Years
Rory O’Malley
Taxes – Just for the Little People? An Application of Major Criminological Theories to Tax Evasion
Gavyn N Cairns
Of Mice and Men: The Patentability of Biotechnology
Rachel Casey
Facade Retention – Standing of Incorporated Persons to Challenge Planning Permissions
Oran Doyle
Liability without Fault – Rylands v Fletcher Revitalised
Richard Shields