The 16th Trinity College Law Student Colloquium will take place in-person in February 2024.
If you are interested in speaking at the Colloquium, please submit an abstract on any area of law for anonymous consideration by the Committee by 17:00 (Irish Time - GMT) Saturday, the 13th of January 2024. Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be emailed in PDF format to Submissions should include, name, degree level (undergrad/postgrad/doctoral), university of affiliation and contact details.
About the Colloquium
The Colloquium is Ireland’s leading student conference and welcomes applications from undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as recent graduates in practice. Each year, we have the pleasure of hosting students from across Ireland and around the globe to present their research.
Organised annually for and by the students of the School of Law, the Colloquium provides a platform for leading and emerging legal scholars from Trinity and beyond to present their research on contemporary legal issues from a variety of spheres and invites the wider student body at Trinity and our partner institutions to join these scholars in exploring these themes further. The Colloquium is committed to encouraging dialogue amongst the wider legal community and through this engagement, imagining the possibilities of the law in building a better legal ecosystem together.
The Best Colloquium Paper Prize
The TCLR Editorial Board will publish the overall best Colloquium paper in Volume XXVII of the Trinity College Law Review. Cash prizes of €200 will also be awarded to the winners of each individual category.
What goes in an abstract?
The abstract is a summary of the paper which you intend to give, and should outline your approach to the issues. Abstracts from prospective speakers should be between 400 and 500 words long, with 500 words being the maximum word count permitted. The Committee considers abstracts anonymously. While there are no hard and fast rules as to format, a good abstract will excite interest and should demonstrate a sound knowledge of the subject, a clear structure and original and well-constructed analysis.
I have never presented a paper before – can I submit?
The Colloquium has always encouraged undergraduate participation: we believe that this gives an additional incentive to early-stage students to present their ideas to their peers in a less intimidating environment. We ask that you indicate your stage of study when you submit an abstract, so we will know if your abstract is eligible for the panel, or for the undergraduate section. There will be dedicated undergraduate speaker positions on each topic this year, as well as a cash prize for the best overall undergraduate paper.
Queries may be sent to or via their Instagram @tcd.colloquium.