TCLR 20th Anniversary
Alumni Celebration
Tuesday 28 February 2017, TCD Dining Hall, 6pm sharp.
In celebration of the Twentieth anniversary of the Trinity College Law Review, we are welcoming back former members of the TCLR Editorial Boards from Volume I to Volume XIX for a special commons in the Dining Hall of Trinity College Dublin.
Tickets for the event are available to purchase through our website (see below). Ticket includes a three-course meal with wine, followed by a reception in the Atrium. We also offer a special package for our alumni who may wish to become a “Friend of the Law Review.”
Any questions should be directed by email to the Alumni Officer, Paul McDonagh-Forde, at
We would be delighted to see you there.
Alumni Commons and Reception: Ticket Only: €40 [stripe name=”My Store” description=”Ticket only” amount=”4000″ billing=”true”]
Special Offer: Friendship Package (Ticket to Commons and Reception with Friendship of the Law Review, Copy of Volume XX (forthcoming) and souvenir gift. €95
[stripe name=”My Store” description=”Friendship Package” amount=”9500″ billing=”true”]